Effective January 1, 2023, there is a new addition to California partition actions that impact partition referees and the methodology utilized regarding how a property may be partitioned in the state of California. The California legislature voted to approve the Partition of Real Property Act (PRPA). Previously, the Uniform Partition of Hears Property ACT (UPHPA)…

Category: Partition Referees
A co-owner of real estate in the State of California may seek to force a sale through the use of a partition referee. This is accomplished by filing a lawsuit for partition and seeking to have a court-appointed referee appointed by the court. It is very common for family members who inherit property from their…
A partition referee is appointed in connection with the filing of a lawsuit involving the partition of real property. After an interlocutory judgment is obtained, a partition referee may be appointed. The partition referee takes possession in order to sell the property pursuant to the court order. The partition referee must be a neutral third…
In the State of California when more than one person is a co-owner of the property and one of those individuals wants to sell and the other does not want, the law in the State of California allows the sale of property through a legal action known as partition. In order to proceed with a…