HOA Expert Witness
Donell Expert Witness, Inc. provides HOA expert witness testimony related to property management standard of care, real estate fiduciary duty and receivership matters including commercial and residential owners associations.

Here’s how our HOA expert witness can help you:
From habitability, to premises liability and fiduciary duty-related issues, Stephen Donell provided expert witness services related to owners’ associations.
An HOA owes a duty of care to tenants, owners, guests and invitees to provide for a reasonably safe premisis.
Financial Reporting
Owners’ Associations owe a duty of care/loyalty to the members of the association and, as such, must use reasonable care related to the finances of the association.
Compliance with the Rules of the Road
Applicable statutes, codes, ordinances and laws must be followed in order to comply with the standard of care.
Board Member Conduct
A board member owes a duty to the association and not to his/her own self interests.
Conflicts of Interest
A board member should take prudent steps to avoid conflicts of interest.
An association should not expose the association to unreasonable financial risk.

Clients Who Trusted Us

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Locations Served
Serving California
Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Bernardino, Sacramento, Ventura, San Diego, Orange County
Las Vegas, Reno, Carson City, Laughlin
Phoenix, Tucson, Yuma, Flagstaff, Prescott
Who needs an HOA Expert Witness in California?
We provide plaintiff and defense work in connection with litigaiton involving owners’ associations.
Plaintiffs' Attorneys
You are a plaintiffs’ attorney seeking an HOA expert witness regarding an injury in a common area of HOA property.
Defense Attorney
You are a defense attorney representing a board member regarding allegations of a breach of fiduciary duty/standard of care.
Habitability Case
You are an attorney needing the sevices of an HOA expert witness due to plumbing problems leading to mold inside condo units.

How we work together
Matching the experience/skill set with the facts of the case.
Reach out
Reach out to us via our contact page or call our office.
Conflicts Check
Verify that there are no conflicts.
Availability and Suitability
Discuss timing, availability and whether the areas of expertise are a good fit for the case.
Support or oppose motions for summary judgment.
Deposition and Trial Testimony
Decades of experience in depositions/trial testimony.
Get to know our expert witness in California
Decades of Experience and Industry Leader

As an experienced property manager, with certified property manager (CPM), Accredited Residential Manager (ARM), Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) and Accredited Management Organization (AMO) professional designations, a licensed real estate broker and experienced expert including trial testimony on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants, Stephen Donell provides property management standard of care expert witness services.
Los Angeles
Wilshire Bundy Plaza 12121 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 1120
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: 310.207.8481
Review the chapter authored by Mr. Donell

Reviving the Financially Distressed Business
Reviving The Financially Distressed Business is the essential guide for business owners and corporate leaders whose companies are under—or anticipating—financial difficulties. See Chapter 11, Receiverships, written by Court Receiver Stephen Donell, CCIM, CPM
Steve Donell’s contribution to the book “Reviving a Financially Distressed Business” reflects not only his expertise as a receiver, but his sound judgment on how receivership can be used to effectively advance a financially troubled business.”
– Brian Davidoff, Esq. Author and Editor