Contract and Lease Dispute Expert Witness
Donell Expert Witness, Inc. provides contract and lease dispute expert witness testimony related to property management standard of care, real estate fiduciary duty and receivership matters, including residential and commercial contract and lease disputes.

Here’s how Stephen Donell, Expert can help you:
Areas of expertise include the application of the property management standard of care to cases involving residential and commercial lease disputes.
Tenant Improvement
TI work may be complex. With decades of experience in building out commercial space, testimony regarding TI work is provided.
Premises vs Common Areas
What constitutes a common area and who’s obligation is it to maintain the common area vs the premises?
Rent Increase
How are rent increases calculated in the lease, how much and when are they charged?
Duty to Mitigate Damages
The landlord has a duty to mitigate damages after a tenant defaults and vacates.
Reasonable Accommodations
A landlord has a duty to provide reasonable accommodations to certain tenants in certain factual circumstances.
Duty to Maintain
What are the respective obligations of maintenance between tenants and landlords pusuant to the lease?
Assault/Criminal Actions
The standard of care related to assault and criminal actions performed by 3rd parties.
The standard of care related to skylights, maintenance obligations, OSHA guidelines.

Clients Who Trusted Us

Get in Touch with our expert in California Today
Locations Served
We primarily provide expert services for cases filed in California.
Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Bernardino, Sacramento, Ventura, San Diego, Orange County and additional California counties
Who needs a property management expert witness in California?
We provide services to both plaintiffs’ and defendants’ counsel.
Personal Injury Attorneys
We provide services to plaintiffs’ personal injury counsel.
Insurance Defense Counsel
We provide services to defense counsel.
Real Estate Litigators
We provide expert services related to residential and commercial leasehold and ownership disputes.

How we work together
Stephen Donell is a property management standard of care expert witness.
Reach out
Reach out to us via our contact page.
Set an Appointment
An initial call will allow for an initial assessment of the proposed case.
Conflict Clearance
Conflicts are cleared.
We offer excellent references with local and national law firms.
Deposition/Court Testimony
Stephen Donell has testified at deposition and trial in matters filed throughout the state of California and the western United States.
Get to know our expert witness in California
Decades of Experience and Industry Leader

As an experienced property manager, with certified property manager (CPM), Accredited Residential Manager (ARM), Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) and Accredited Management Organization (AMO) professional designations, a licensed real estate broker and experienced expert including trial testimony on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants, Stephen Donell provides property management standard of care expert witness services.
Los Angeles
Wilshire Bundy Plaza 12121 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 1120
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: 310.207.8481
Review the chapter authored by Mr. Donell

Reviving the Financially Distressed Business
Reviving The Financially Distressed Business is the essential guide for business owners and corporate leaders whose companies are under—or anticipating—financial difficulties. See Chapter 11, Receiverships, written by Court Receiver Stephen Donell, CCIM, CPM
Steve Donell’s contribution to the book “Reviving a Financially Distressed Business” reflects not only his expertise as a receiver, but his sound judgment on how receivership can be used to effectively advance a financially troubled business.”
– Brian Davidoff, Esq. Author and Editor