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Posts by admin

Los Angeles Partition Sale

What is a California Partition Action?

In the State of California when more than one person is a co-owner of the property and one of those individuals wants to sell and the other does not want, the law in the State of California allows the sale of property through a legal action known as partition. In order to proceed with a…

Los Angeles Real Estate

How does a Los Angeles real estate receiver sell real property?

A receiver is always appointed by the court pursuant to a court order. Sometimes appointed receivers may be provided with the authority to sell real estate. This authority is contained in the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 568.5. The receiver must use reasonable care to sell the property at or above market rates. A…

Court Room

When may a California receiver be appointed by the court?

A California court-appointed receiver may be appointed pursuant to the State of California Code of Civil Procedure 564. This code identifies the following circumstances under which the court may seek the appointment of a receiver:

A man showing another person something on a tablet device while sitting outside

Can a receiver hire a lawyer?

A California court-appointed receiver may hire counsel. However, pursuant to California Rules of Court, the receiver must not employ an attorney without the approval of the court. The application for approval to employ an attorney must be in writing and must include the following: ·   Reason the court receiver needs to retain counsel; ·…

A person signing a contract

Can a receiver evict a tenant?

When a real estate receiver is appointed by the court, the receiver takes possession of the real property which is the subject of the receiver’s action. The receiver must comply with all of the same codes and ordinances that any other landlord or owner is subject to. If a tenant defaults on its lease, the…

A judge's mallet

Can a receiver terminate a lease or contract?

In certain circumstances, the receiver may reject a lease or contract. The appointment of the receiver is an equitable remedy and the Court may make decisions based on the equities. Similarly, the receiver may be empowered to make decisions based on the equity and fairness of the situation notwithstanding the existence of specific contracts and…

A man talking on his phone turned away from the camera

Can a lender seek appointment of a receiver?

When confronting commercial loan defaults and protecting distressed assets, lenders and servicers often rely on one of four common remedies: workouts, receiverships, deeds in lieu, and foreclosures. Among these, the role of receivers is growing at an accelerated pace, as lenders pursue receivership appointments to minimize losses, preserve property values, and avoid liability exposure. Lenders…

A modern house seen from outside

What does it mean to be a receiver of a property?

A receiver is an agent of the Court. In order for a receiver to be appointed, a lawsuit must be filed. A receiver takes legal possession of the property but the receiver does not become the owner of the property. The receiver is generally empowered to collect rent, manage the property, perform repairs and hold…

A man walking with a leather bag in his hand

What are the qualifications of a receiver?

The receiver is an agent, officer, or arm of the Court. By definition, a receiver is neutral and must not have any financial interest in the asset over which the receiver is appointed. There are no licenses that receivers are required to possess. However, there are many considerations regarding the qualifications of a receiver. The…