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Posts by admin

A judge's mallet

How are court receivers appointed?

In California, a receiver is appointed by the court when one party in a lawsuit files a motion seeking the appointment of a receiver. Learn more about how this process works.

Two smartly dressed men walking down a street in a commercial district facing away from the camera

How do you become a court receiver in California?

Learn how to become a court-appointed receiver in the state of California. This article explains who qualifies and what qualifications are necessary for this job

A meeting room

When is a receiver appointed over a company?

Partnership disputes can lead to disagreements over who will take control of the company. Learn when and how a receiver may be appointed in such cases.

Federal Courthouse

The Life Cycle of a Court Receivership

All court receiverships are not created equally, but the life-cycle of a court receivership has similarities that can be seen in almost every case.

People conversing on a outdoor table

Equity Receiverships vs. Limited Purpose Receiverships

A receivership can be structured in a variety of ways based on the nature of the dispute, the goals and objectives of the parties, the type of asset(s) that will be placed under the control of a receiver as well as the ruling of the court. There are two core types of receiverships – a…

Skyscrapers seen from their base

Types of Receiverships

The California Code of Civil Procedure Section 564 lists many of the traditional types of cases in which receivers may be appointed. They include, but are not limited to, the following: Preservation of a common fund or property in dispute and in danger of injury or dissipation;Rents, Issues and Profits (Real Estate);Substandard Housing – The…