A Court Appointed San Diego Regulatory Receiver Is Here to Help
From consumer and investment fraud schemes including Ponzi-like conduct to crypto fund scams, FedReceiver, Inc. has San Diego Regulatory Receiver experience in federal equity receivership appointments involving cases filed by multiple regulatory agencies including the Federal Trade Commission and Securities & Exchange Commission.

Here’s how a San Diego Regulatory Receiver can help you:
Regulatory agencies may seek the appointment of a regulatory receiver in connection with allegations involving violation of various laws. These include securities laws while the defendant was offering, selling, and managing funds or portfolios or activity involving violations of the anti-fraud and securities registration provisions of the federal securities laws related to the purchase and sale of stock. In addition, defendants may be engaged in marketing, telemarketing, and sale of consumer services with false representations and receipt of advanced fees without the required disclosures. Defendants may also be engaged in the fraudulent solicitation of digital cash/crypto currency and other instruments, including the operation of illegal commodity pools and failure to register as a Commodity Pool Operator.
Ponzi-Like Schemes
Ponzi schemes where new investors’ funds are used to provide returns to earlier investors.
Digital Asset Investment Schemes
Companies may solicit funds from investors related to digital assets, commodities, derivatives, swaps and commodity futures contracts.
Precious Metal Scams
Fraudsters lure investors into buying precious metals with false representations.
Fee Scams
The company lures investors into investing into investment scams that earn high rates of returns; once the investor seeks to withdraw funds, fees are charged in the form of commissions, transfer fees or taxes.
According to the FTC, “The FTC’s new data spotlight shows crypto is a common way for scammers to steal money, with over 46,000 people reporting losing more than a billion dollars in crypto to scams since the start of 2021. Many crypto scams begin with ads, posts, or messages on social media. And most crypto is lost to investment scams, where scammers get you to “invest” money, promising they’ll make you more — quickly. That’s a lie. You won’t make money and you’ll lose your initial “investment.”
Real Estate and Investment Scams
Per the FTC, ” Investment scams lure you in with promises of teaching you how to make a lot of money quickly, easily, and with low risk — usually by investing in the financial or real estate markets. Sometimes starting with a free seminar, the scammers later will charge you a hefty fee for their “proven” investment tricks. But the real tricks are the lies they tell you.”
Investment Coaching Scams
According to the FTC, “In an investment coaching scam, the scammer will tell you that their “patented,” “tested,” or “proven” strategy (or something similar) will teach you how to make money investing in stocks, bonds, foreign currency, or tax liens. They promise that their investment approach will set you up for life — and even let you stop working.”
Unregistered Soliciting Entities
According to the SEC, “These are entities that falsely claim to be registered, licensed, and/or located in the United States in their solicitation of investors. In many cases, SEC investigation reveals that the soliciting entities are not registered in the United States as they claim or imply.”
Affinity Fraud
Per the SEC, “Affinity frauds target members of identifiable groups, such as the elderly, or religious or ethnic communities. The fraudsters involved in affinity scams often are – or pretend to be – members of the group. They may enlist respected leaders from the group to spread the word about the scheme, convincing them it is legitimate and worthwhile. Many times, those leaders become unwitting victims of the fraud they helped to promote.”
Promissory Notes
According to the SEC, “Promissory notes are a form of debt that companies use to raise money. Investors loan money to a company. In return, investors are promised a fixed amount of periodic income. Typically, the rate of return promised is very high. And, the level of risk promised is very low.”
When is a San Diego Regulatory Receiver needed?
A federal equity receiver appointed in connection with an action filed by a regulatory agency typically deals with allegations of fraud. This may involve cryptocurrency, investment schemes, services and/or pyramid schemes.

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Locations Served
With cases involving assets throughout the country and internationally, FedReceiver, Inc. provides nation-wide receivership services including international asset recovery.
Alameda, Butte, San Francisco, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Fresno, Humboldt, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Marin, Orange County, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernadino, San Diego, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Ventura County, and the California District Court.
States with cases/assets include Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin.
Who needs a court-appointed San Diego Regulatory Receiver?
If you are a lender, attorney, investor, government agency or city attorney, FedReceiver,Inc. provides receivership services to address your unique circumstances.
Defaulted real estate /business loans, collateral and inventory problems, contaminated property may all require the services of a receiver.
Corporate, partnership, creditor rights, bankruptcy and transactional attorneys regularly seek out the services of court-appointed receivers.
Defrauded Investor/Consumer
If you are a defrauded investor/consumer, various government agencies may be able to assist with investigating alleged fraud.
Government Agency
State/federal governmental agencies appoint receivers in connection with criminal restitution, health & safety code violation, investor and consumer fraud as well as other regulatory matters requiring the appointment of a receiver.

How we work together
From identifying problems to implementing solutions, our experienced team utilizes its decades of experience, expertise, training and resources to successfully administer its receiver, partition, provisional directorship, dissolution manager and distribution agent cases.
Reach out
Please reach out via our contact page or call us at our Los Angeles corporate office. Our state and federal cases involve assets throughout the county.
Set an Appointment
An initial call will allow for an initial assessment of the proposed case.
Sample Pleadings/Orders
With approximately 800 cases, FedReceiver has a vast library of exemplars including motions seeking appointment of receiver, orders appointing receiver and memorandum of points & authorities.
We offer excellent references with local and national law firms, accounting firms and clients.
Court Experience
Given our decades of experience and hundreds of cases, we have appeared in state/federal court and have excellent relationships with numerous courts/judges.
Get to know our expert San Diego Regulatory Receivers
A family business, founded by James Donell, we are leaders in the receivership industry.

With prior experience as president of the California Receivers Forum (CRF) Los Angeles/Orange County Chapter, President of the National Association of Federal Equity Receivers (NAFER), panel members at receiver conferences, we are leaders in our industry.
Northern California
Sacramento, CA
Los Angeles
Wilshire Bundy Plaza 12121 Wilshire Boulevard, Subsuit 1120
Phone: 310.207.8481
Stephen J. Donell Los Angeles
President of FedReceiver, Inc., Jalmar Properties, Inc. and Donell Expert Services, Inc.
James H. Donell Los Angeles
Founder and CEO of FedReceiver, Inc. and Jalmar Properties, Inc.
Todd D. Donell Los Angeles
Executive Vice President of FedReceiver, Inc. and Jalmar Properties, Inc.
Sarah R. Bates Los Angeles
Vice President of FedReceiver, Inc. and Jalmar Properties, Inc.
Review the chapter authored by Mr. Donell

Reviving the Financially Distressed Business
Reviving The Financially Distressed Business is the essential guide for business owners and corporate leaders whose companies are under—or anticipating—financial difficulties. See Chapter 11, Receiverships, written by Court Receiver Stephen Donell, CCIM, CPM
Steve Donell’s contribution to the book “Reviving a Financially Distressed Business” reflects not only his expertise as a receiver, but his sound judgment on how receivership can be used to effectively advance a financially troubled business.”
– Brian Davidoff, Esq. Author and Editor